
Showing posts with the label queues

Manchester Airport security queues

Unfortunately for Manchester Airport this high demand is a double-edged sword. 9 am - 10 am 4 m. Manchester Airport Passengers Swapping Flights To Avoid Delays Bbc News It is based on estimates and may not always be accurate. . We recommend three hours before your scheduled departure but you should check with your. Passengers have criticised Manchester Airport over crazy queues this morning. Travellers took to social media to complain about horrendous queues at the airport. It added that 90 of passengers in the past two weeks had gone through security in less than 30 minutes which compares to a figure of 78 during the first two weeks of April. Our FastTrack passes give you access to a dedicated lane straight to the security checkpoint. Now that all COVID-19 restrictions including testing have been lifted in England passenger demand has soared - which is good news. Last week frustrated travellers took to so...